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Creating our energy future

The safest way to bring you energy

管道是长距离运输天然气和石油产品最安全、最环保的方式. Find out more at pc.crowdfunding-services.com/safety.



Where are the pipelines?

Pipelines are everywhere! 北美拥有数百万英里的管道,为我们每天依赖的天然气和石油产品提供重要供应,维持着我们的高质量生活. Most of these pipelines operate underground, 24/7, quietly delivering a vital service to people across the continent.

TC Energy拥有一个卓越的能源网络,横跨三个国家,每天提供的天然气占北美天然气总使用量的25%. We deliver Canadian oil from Alberta to the U.S. Midwest and Gulf Coast. And, in Mexico, our pipelines are located in key regions, 帮助该国实现从使用燃油和柴油到使用天然气发电的重大转型.



Underground, between mountains and even under water, our pipelines operate safely and reliably, 静静地连接着我们的大陆,绵延数万公里.

View some quick facts about pipeline safety.


Are pipelines safe?

Yes, absolutely. 管道是长距离运输大量石油产品和天然气的最安全、最环保的方法.

  • Over 99.999 per cent of all pipeline deliveries are made safely each year
  • Pipelines are approximately 4.5 times safer than rail (though both are very safe)
  • 管道具有强大的操作和完整性管理程序
  • Pipelines are stringently regulated across North America, 拥有世界上最高的安全和诚信标准


What does TC Energy do to keep pipelines safe?

我们认为任何管道事故都是不可接受的,所有事故都是可以避免的. 我们非常重视安全可靠的责任. We:

  • 在北美拥有约500名致力于管道完整性的专业人员
  • Invest over $1B annually in pipeline system integrity
  • Conducted nearly 350 inline inspections in 2019
  • 已投资1.5亿美元用于管道研发(R&D) since 2010


Can we make pipelines safer?

Yes, we can and we work at doing so every day. TC Energy采用业内最先进的数据分析和风险评估方法. We have a long history of pioneering, 部署重要的管道技术,并开发监管机构采用的增强风险评估方法, standards committees and other operators. Such as:

  • 领导管道行业开发管道在线检测,监控和预防事故
  • Use of high-strength steels and fusion bonded epoxy coatings
  • Mechanized welding and automated ultrasonic testing
  • 激光测绘腐蚀和金属损失导致了检测数据分析的重大改进
  • 对所有管道进行年度逐表风险评估,并实施相关风险控制措施

Key facts

99.999% of pipeline deliveries completed safely each year

4.5 times safer than rail

500 people dedicated to pipeline integrity

Over $1 billion spent in pipeline integrity yearly