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Creating our energy future

Coastal GasLink: helping reduce emissions

Coastal GasLink将通过将天然气输送到加拿大液化天然气公司的设施,帮助向世界提供更清洁的能源. Find out more at coastalgaslink.com.



What is the Coastal GasLink project?

TC Energy is constructing Coastal GasLink, 一条670公里(416英里)的管道,从道森溪输送天然气, B.C. area to an LNG facility in Kitimat, B.C. built by LNG Canada. 液化天然气设施将把天然气转化为液态,以便运往亚洲市场. 沿海天然气管道将成为加拿大天然气进入全球市场的第一条直接途径.



通过Coastal GasLink和加拿大液化天然气公司的设施输送的天然气可以取代煤炭发电. 由于天然气燃烧时产生的温室气体排放量比煤炭少约50%(以生命周期为基础), 这将使全球温室气体排放量每年减少6000万至9000万吨二氧化碳,相当于减少1200万至1800万辆汽车. 加拿大液化天然气公司将生产世界上每吨液化天然气二氧化碳最少的液化天然气.



该项目得到了土著和当地社区的大力支持, including agreements with all 20 First Nations along the route. TC能源致力于确保土著群体和当地居民都有机会被雇用到2,500 project construction jobs. By the end of this project, TC能源公司预计将为当地和土著承包机会贡献10亿美元.


What is LNG?

液化天然气(LNG)是经过冷却的天然气,将其从气体形式变为液体形式,以便运输-液化天然气占用的空间是天然气占用的1/600. LNG is safe because it is non-explosive, non-toxic, 无腐蚀性,不与水或土壤混合-如果暴露在空气中,它会蒸发,不留残留物. Once LNG reaches its destination, it is put back into its gas form to use for energy, replacing higher carbon emitting fuels such as coal.

Key facts

1st direct path for Canadian gas to reach global markets

20 First Nations agreements signed

Could reduce GHG emissions by 60 to 90 million tonnes of CO2 yearly

2,500 construction jobs created

$1 billion into local and Indigenous contracting opportunities